Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March 15th: Of Poetry at Visible Voice Books

From our friends at Visible Voice Books in Tremont: 

An evening of readings from volumes of poetry titled Of.

Kai Ihns is the author of two books of poems, most recently Of (The Elephants, 2024). She lives in Chicago.

Ossian Foley is the author of OF: Vol I (UDP) and works for the government.

Justin Cox is the author of Stock Pond (Bench Editions, 2025). His writing has appeared in Annulet, Chicago Review, Fence, Tagvverk, and elsewhere. Justin teaches at the University of Iowa and has been a fellow at the International Institute of Modern Letters in Wellington, New Zealand.

David James Miller is the author of CANT and the chapbooks FOLDAs Sequence, and Facts & Other Objects. He is founding editor of Elis Press and SET, a journal of innovative writing that comes out once in a while.

Caryl Pagel’s most recent book is Free Clean Fill Dirt (University of Akron Press), named for a sign seen at Lakeview Cemetery. She teaches and makes books with her friends.

Zach Peckham is a writer, editor, and educator. He is the author of the poetry collection As If And, forthcoming from New Mundo Press in 2026, and his work has recently appeared in Full Stop, Mercury Firs, Landfill, APARTMENT, and Tilted House. He is the managing editor at the CSU Poetry Center, an editor at large at the Cleveland Review of Books, and he teaches at Cleveland State and the Cleveland Institute of Art. He also runs a small press called Community Mausoleum and a journal called Coma.

Alyssa Perry is the author of Oily Doily (Bench Editions, 2024). Her writing appears with Annulet, Coma, Fence, Mercury Firs, and elsewhere. Perry is poetry editor at the Cleveland Review of Books and an editor at Rescue Press. She teaches at the Cleveland Institute of Art.

Lindsay Turner is the author of The Upstate (University of Chicago Press, 2023) and Songs & Ballads (Prelude Books, 2018). She's also a French-to-English translator of poetry and philosophy. Originally from northeast Tennessee, she lives in Cleveland, where she is Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing at Case Western Reserve University.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

2/13: Ekphrastacy at Heights Arts

From our friends at Heights Arts:

Artists Talk and Poets Respond to Emerge and Spotlight Gallery artist Frank Hadzima. Join Heights Poet Laureate Siaara Freeman, along with guest poets Barbara Marie Minney, Caira Lee, and Conor Bracken, for an evening of poetry inspired by the current exhibitions at Heights Arts' gallery.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

1/11: Ohio Poetry Association Workshop featuring Yalie Saweda Kamara

In my new role as 2nd vice president of the Ohio Poetry Association, I would like to invite you to join us virtually on Saturday 11 January at 1 p.m. for a fantastic workshop with Yalie Saweda Kamara.

OPA Workshop featuring Yalie Saweda Kamara

For our first poetry workshop of 2025, we are thrilled to welcome the current Poet Laureate of the City of Cincinnati, Yalie Saweda Kamara. Kamara is a Sierra Leonean-American writer, educator, and researcher originally from Oakland, California, and the 2022–2024 Cincinnati and Mercantile Library Poet Laureate. Invited for a third year of poet laureate service, her tenure will conclude in 2025. She is an assistant professor of English at Xavier University, where she specializes in creative writing and global and diasporic literature. Winner of the 2022–2023 Jake Adam York Prize, Kamara’s debut full-length poetry collection is Besaydoo (Milkweed Editions, 2024).

About the Workshop: “i am running into a new year”

In this workshop, whose title is based on the famed Lucille Clifton poem, poets will reflect on the gifts, struggles, and revelation of 2024 and engage in creative activity that considers world making in 2025. Through a multimedia exploration of surrender, embrace, confession, and celebration, we will endeavor to investigate the following query: How do the vestiges and blossoms from the previous year inform our understanding of and proximity
to "possibility" in the newest year?

This hybrid workshop will take place following the 10 a.m. OPA quarterly business meeting at the Mercantile Library in Cincinnati and also via Zoom. 

To attend, please register at www.ohiopoetryassn.org/events

To learn more about Yalie Saweda Kamara, visit her website at www.yaylala.com.


The poet doesn't invent. He listens. ~Jean Cocteau