when I launched deep cleveland, I began a weekly web feature called the poem 'o the week. The idea was simple: to publish a poem about Cleveland every week. I considered it an extension of d.a. levy's mission to "cover the city with lines." Well nine years later, I'm still doing it. Many of the poems that have appeared have been submitted by the deep cleveland tribe of poets, and many have been written my me, but i have had contributions from all over the country. It seems like every poet who once lived here or still lives here has at least one poem about their fair city. I would like to encourage anyone who has written a poem abut Cleveland to submit. Next year will mark the 10th year of continuous publication, and I would like to put out an anthology. If all goes well, I will have 520 poems to choose from. If you have a poem about Cleveland, send it my way, care of mailto:markk@deepcleveland.com
deep cleveland rocks!! Mark S. Kuhar aka markk has make invaluable contributions to Cleveland poetry through readings, online publishing, print publishing and much, much more. Check out it out at http://deepcleveland.com/
Kuhar is also an extraordinary poet. Check out the incredible “e40th & pain: poems from deep cleveland” and his other excellent books at
they know us in parma and pasadena,they know us in england and probably in patagonia, they know us in sci-fi & fantasy, they know us in haiku and cinquain, they know us thanks to mark kuhar.
deep cleveland rules! long may it reign.
THANKS!!! markk for the way you have connected the lines.
beat regards,
dan smith
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