"Scifaiku" is a poetic form codified by Tom Brinck with his 1995 Scifaiku Manifesto. Cleveland's notable haikuist Joshua Gage* just put together a little flyer, "The Universe in Three Lines," a sampler of scifaiku that was handed out at both the recent Haiku North America conference in Ottowa and also the recent Science Fiction world convention on Montreal.
If you're interested, check it out. Josh notes "It's a neat little tri-fold sampler with some cool 1950's graphics and really excellent scifaiku."
Or check out the scifaiku.com website.
*who posts here under his nom d' net pottygok)
The haiku form is very versatile. J. Bruce Fuller has been doing a bunch of these, and publishing some in Shantytown anomaly. I've been working on horrorku and the form works with such themes as well.
Since Charles Gramlich brought up horrorku, I'd thought I'd mention that I highly recommend his excellent chapbook of about two dozen horrorku, "Wanting the Mouth of a Lover." Interestingly, his poems are formatted in a rarely-used vertical Japanese-type style with one word per line. Although these poems would work, and work very well, in the usual three-line format, Gramlich's style lends additional weight to these already evocative pieces. "Wanting the Mouth of a Lover" is available from the Spec House of Poetry (http://spechouseofpoetry.blogspot.com).
And, I think that "The Universe in Three Lines" really is a cool little sampler. I'll print some out and bring them with me to area readings for the next few weeks.
"Wanting the Mouth of a Lover" is a great horrorku chapbook, and a good introduction to horrorku for those who haven't read much of it. i wrote a review of it which can be read here:
one of the poems in the book was nominated for a Rhysling this year.
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