Lix and Kix and The Last Wordsmith Book Shoppe will host Snoetry: A Winter Wordfest in the historic town of North East (near Erie), Pennsylvania, on Saturday 16 January 2010. The day will begin with an hour of open mic at 1 p.m., then continue from 2 to midnight with around 40 featured poets and musical artists. We'll try to sprinkle in more open mic throughout the day, as time permits. And come rain, shine, or blizzard, we'll be there!
Dianne Borsenik and John Burroughs will be the day's emcees. Featured poets and performers during Snoetry will include:
Lester Allen (upstate NY)
Gary Bond (Toledo, OH)
Dianne Borsenik (Cleveland, OH)
Kent Brown (Jamestown, NY)
John Burroughs (Elyria, OH)
Cold Heart Youth (Erie, PA)
Nabina Das (Ithaca, NY)
Aleathia Drehmer (upstate NY)
John Dorsey (Toledo, OH)
Christopher Franke (Cleveland, OH)
Steve Goldberg (Cleveland, OH)
T.M. Göttl (Brunswick, OH)
Sammy Greenspan (Cleveland Heights, OH)
Michael Grover (Toledo, OH)
JJ Haaz (10-string guitarist, northeast Ohio)
Clarissa Jakobsons (Aurora, OH)
Chuck Joy (Erie, PA)
tj jude (from NC, by way of MI)
Lady K (Cleveland, OH)
Berwyn Moore (Erie, PA)
Zachary Moll (Monroeville, OH)
Alex Nielsen (Toledo/Cleveland, OH)
Dan Provost (Worcester, MA)
Wendy Shaffer (Cleveland, OH)
Dan Smith (Cleveland, OH)
Steven B. Smith (Cleveland, OH)
Carolyn Srygley-Moore (upstate NY)
Vladimir Swirynsky (Cleveland, OH)
Cee Williams (Erie, PA)

17 East Main Street
North East, Pennsylvania 16428
Phone: 814-725-9141
Got the day off and marked on my calendar John! Can't wait!
I'm thrilled to hear it! See you there....
Please note a few slight changes in the line-up.
Cool.. best of luck!
Note that the lineup has changed slightly once again. I told you it was organic!
...and now Snoetry II is coming right up-- starting next Wednesday, in Elyria, and running until the middle of the following week! Whoa, snow!
Thanks, Geoff! I am neck deep in preparations for Snoetry 2 and am gonna try my best to get a full listing of scheduled performers and open mic times posted ASAP here at Cleveland Poetics. Might not be 'til tomorrow because we've also got In Verse Lorain tonight. I also plan to post something about your featured reading this Sunday at PoetryElyria.
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