I liked this one:
"I found the most splendid book object ever in the shelves of the main branch: India's Past, a green hardcover from the early 20th century, written in high style on paper that was nice to touch. It has fun “plates” as illustrations, and loads of different little chapters and articles about various items of interest from India's past. The inside cover has one of the old “otium sine litteris mors est” sfpl insignia stamps: absolutely fabulous! Oh, like an emerald pool on a hot day, I need this book on my too-long shelf, dear librarians, not to read in a hurry, or even to have forever and ever, but to be able to pick up on a whim, having spotted it and feeling in the mood for its pages."
– Ka'ala
So what's your excuse?
This reminds me - my Complete Oscar Wilde is overdue from the Westlake Porter Public Library.
Ohhh...I kept renewing Autobiography of a Yogi until I couldn't renew it anymore and I suddenly realized it was overdue.
I'd finished it long before then...it was just one of those books that I liked having on my desk. It was nice to keep around, y'know, just in case.
There's a Diane Vogel Ferri poem that seems apropos to the subject: "A Room Full of Books"
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