Monday, March 14, 2011

Kuhar Speaks Out!

Local poet, publisher, and guru of the Deep Cleveland Poetry Tribe Mark Kuhar is profiled and interviewed on the "Poet Speaks Out!" website-- in two parts:
"I believe in stream of consciousness, just tapping into the words that are flowing in response to thoughts, feelings, experiences, visions, sights, people, etc. Then after you capture the verbiage, you either let it stand as is (primitive word energy) or you can revise as you see fit."


ericlglassman said...

Mark Kuhar is a revolutionary in a beat up world looking for a new train of thought. He is a poet and a spiritual friend. He speaks in visionary tongue's that express the human psyche and beyond. He represents Cleveland in full poetic force. From the desolate streets to the local dive bars. A true visionary in a time of political chaos.

Eric Laurence Glassman, Cleveland Poet and Philosopher.

judih said...

mark! inspirational and operational.



The poet doesn't invent. He listens. ~Jean Cocteau