Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Leonora Carrington dies at 94; a leading
figure of the Surrealist movement
Links to work:
Short Story: http://www.talkingpeople.net/tp/literature/carrington/carrington.html
Novel: The Hearing Trumpet
"One has to be careful what one takes when one goes away forever." — Leonora Carrington (The Hearing Trumpet)
the recital of dreams
You DO know that you are a dream don’t you?
Do you realize how completely alone the Divine Being is?
All that there is is only this Divine Being.
Our Beloved, our Self!
To hide from the Truth the Divine Beloved dreams that It is You!
And Me and All of US!!!
An infinately multiple personality
Look deeply inside of your self.
You will find only Me.
You and Me and Me and You!
But one of us is the other’s dream…
One of us must, in the end, die the death of a lie and the Other return to its aloneness.
But what good is this Truth?
Shall we not have pity on Our Self then and continue dreaming that We are You and I and I and You?
Let’s us live a little longer in this dream
Until we can no longer look into each other’s eyes, fool our selves and see another.
One day my dear mask, my poor victim, That shall crush in upon you and wash you helpless into an ocean you have long forgotten like a grain of sand.
Drowning, you will be forced to release yourself and return to Self.
Leonora Carrington

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
52 Cleveland Haiku (19)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Hessler Street Poetry Winners!

- A YouTube video of Joshua Gage announcing the winners
- YouTuybe video of Vladimir Swirynsky reading his poem
- YouToob video of Shelley Chernin reading her poem
- YooTuue video of Andrew Line reading his poem
- Some photos from the reading:

Saturday, May 14, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Cleveland Poet Phil Metres on Channel 3 News
Dr. Phil Metres' latest book, Ode to Oil, was just published by Kattywompus Press. Find him online at www.philipmetres.com.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Music and Words for Peace - May 14th in Cleveland
The Cleveland Non-Violence Network presents Music & Words for Peace, a coffeehouse fundraiser for the 10th Annual Labor Day Peace Show, with music by Deborah Van Kleef, Ian Heisey and the Cleveland Hip-Hop Club, and poetry by Kate Sopko, Phil Metres, Kazim Ali, Dianne Borsenik, John Burroughs and Sammy Greenspan.
Free will donations accepted at the door. Baked goods & fair trade coffee. Parking on Franklin Boulevard and adjoining streets. More info: www.clevelandnonviolence.o
It all happens Saturday, 7 p.m., at St. Paul's Community Church, 4427 Franklin Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. (Click on the image for a printable flier.)
Saturday, May 7, 2011
52 Cleveland Haiku (16)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Legendary Cleveland poet RA Washington tonight!

Arts in Stark and The Poet's Haven present Canton's First Friday Poetry Spectacular! May 6th's featured poet is RA Washington.
RA Washington is a writer, multi-media artist, and musician living in the historic North Collinwood neighborhood of Cleveland. He is the author of a dozen books, most recently the novellas Open and HUEbris. Washington was awarded a Wexner Center for the Arts Fellowship in 2001. His paintings, photography, and mixed media installations have been exhibited in numerous galleries and art centers, including ARTbizzarre in Montreal, FACT.CO in London, and as part of SPACES Art Gallery’s Afrofuturism Exhibition in 2006. Washington's free jazz opera, Along the Eastern Shore: A Tribute to Albert Ayler, was premiered as part of the 2006 Cleveland Ingenuity Festival. A member of the performance ensemble Black Poetic, Washington is currently working on a play and film project based on the life of James Baldwin.
This show includes an open-mic, feature performance, and poetry slam. First place in the slam wins $50. Second place wins $30. Third place wins $20. Prize money provided by Arts in Stark.
This is an ALL-AGES/UNMODERATED event, meaning that all-ages are welcome to attend and participate, but parents should be aware that there are no restrictions on language and some performances may contain adult language and content.