First place: Vladimir Swirynsky, for "Already the Sky on Bent Knees"
Second place: Shelley Chernin, for "Rise and Shine"
Third place: Andrew Line, for "Catalyst (in memorium)"
Honorable mentions went to T.M. Göttl, for "On the Feast of Snow and Shadow," and Michael Bernstein, for "What it Does."
(official list here).
You can read all the poems in the 2011 Hessler Street Fair Poetry Contest book, available at the Hessler booth at the Fair, May 21 & 22, or available for purchase at Mac's.
- A YouTube video of Joshua Gage announcing the winners
- YouTuybe video of Vladimir Swirynsky reading his poem
- YouToob video of Shelley Chernin reading her poem
- YooTuue video of Andrew Line reading his poem
- Some photos from the reading:

The winners: Left to right: Andrew Line, Shelley Chernin, Vladimir Swirynsky
*judged by the winners of last year's Hessler contest: Mary Turzillo, Jill Riga, and me.
Wow! You work fast, Geoff. I just posted those videos and you already have links here. Great work (and great judging, by the way)!
Lucky coincidence-- I was just about to hit the "post" button when I saw the videos you were putting up, so I added the links at the very last thing before I posted.
Thanks! Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Hessler Street Fair!
The Hessler Street Poetry Competition winners read on Sunday--tomorrow!-- at 2 pm. on the main stage at the Hessler Street Fair. If you can't catch it live, catch it streaming on the internet at www.hessler.org, or live simulcast on the radio, WRUW 91.1 FM.
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