Exploring the Cosmos, a new trifold brochure of "minimalist" science poetry, edited by David C. Kopaska-Merkel, is now up on the Science Fiction Poetry Association's web page. 19 super-short poems commenting or celebrating science:
"Some of the science poems in Exploring the Cosmos are scifaiku, some are not. Collectively they explore scientists, scientific discovery, the nature of humanity, and (of course) the future.”
I should mention that there are two local poets represented, me with one poem, and Mary Turzillo with two. (Some of the earlier SFPA trifolds, like The Universe in Three Lines, have featured other area poets, including J. E. Stanley, dan smith, and Joshua Gage.)
Print out a couple of copies (double sided, of course); give them to your friends; trade them with collectors; leave them in your local coffeehouse!
Collect the whole set!
"Some of the earlier SFPA trifolds, like The Universe in Three Lines, have featured other area poets, including J. E. Stanley, dan smith, and Joshua Gage."
I think the fact that Joshua Gage edited this pamphlet helped get local area poets recognition. Just sayin'...
pottygok wrote: "I think the fact that Joshua Gage edited this pamphlet helped get local area poets recognition. Just sayin'..."
Ya know, now that you mention it, that does seem like a reasonable supposition. Horray for Josh!
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