from Joshua Ware...
After a successful inaugural year for the Poets of Ohio course and reading series--which brought Mary Biddinger, Frank Giampietro, Sarah Gridley, Cathy Wagner, and Dana Ward to CWRU's campus--we have another wonderful line-up scheduled for the upcoming semester. I would encourage you to attend as many events as possible and spread the word to anyone in the northeast Ohio area that might have an interest in poetry, literature, or cultural events.
All readings--which are followed by lively Q-an-A sessions--will run from 6:00pm to 7:15pm on Thursday evenings (with the exception of the Lucas reading).
Please note that events will take place in one of two different locations this year: the readings on 06 Feb, 18 Mar, and 27 Mar will take place in the Guilford Hall Parlor; while the readings on 30 Jan, 13 Feb, and 10 Apr will be held in Room 206 of Clarke Hall:
- Thursday, January 30: Catherine Wing
- Thursday, February 06: Matt Hart
- Thursday, February 13: Heather Christle
- Tuesday, March 18: Dave Lucas
- Thursday, March 27: Tyrone Williams
- Thursday April 10: Larissa Szporluk

Poet Catherine Wing was born in Louisville, Kentucky, and attended Brown University before earning her MFA from the University of Washington. Her collections of poetry include Enter Invisible (2005), nominated for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and Gin & Bleach (2012). Her poetry has appeared in such journals as Poetry, the Nation, and the Chicago Review and has been featured in a number of anthologies, including Best American Poetry (2010). Wing has received fellowships and residencies from Yaddo, the MacDowell Colony, and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and teaches poetry at Kent State.
Matt Hart is the author of five books of poems, Who's Who Vivid (Slope Editions, 2006), Wolf Face (H_NGM_N Books, 2010), Light-Headed (BlazeVOX, 2011), Sermons and Lectures Both Blank and Relentless (Typecast Publishing, 2012), and Debacle Debacle
(H_NGM_N Books, 2013), as well as several chapbooks. Additionally, his
poems, reviews, and essays have appeared in numerous print and online
journals, including Big Bell, Cincinnati Review, Coldfront, Columbia Poetry Review, H_NGM_N, Harvard Review, jubilat, Lungfull!, and Post Road,
among others. His awards include a Pushcart Prize, a 2013 individual
artist grant from The Shifting Foundation, and fellowships from both the
Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and the Warren Wilson College MFA
Program for Writers. A co-founder and the editor-in-chief of Forklift, Ohio: A Journal of Poetry, Cooking & Light Industrial Safety, he lives in Cincinnati where he teaches at the Art Academy of Cincinnati and plays in the band TRAVEL.
Heather Christle is the author of What Is Amazing (Wesleyan University Press, 2012), The Difficult Farm (Octopus Books, 2009), and The Trees The Trees (Octopus Books, 2011), which won the 2012 Believer Poetry Award. Her poems have appeared in publications including Boston Review, Gulf Coast, The New Yorker, and The Best American Poetry.
She has taught poetry at Antioch College, Sarah Lawrence College, the
University of Massachusetts Amherst and Emory University, where she was
the 2009-2011 Poetry Writing Fellow. She is the Web Editor for jubilat
and frequently a writer in residence at the Juniper Summer Writing
Institute. A native of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, she lives in Yellow
Springs, Ohio.
Dave Lucas is the author of Weather (Georgia, 2011), which
received the 2012 Ohioana Book Award for Poetry, and is a co-founder
and co-curator of the Brews + Prose literary series at Market Garden
Brewery. Recently Rita Dove selected him to be featured on as a “young poet to watch.” A PhD candidate in English
at the University of Michigan, he lives in Cleveland, where he was born
and raised.
Tyrone Williams teaches literature and theory at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the author of five books of poetry, c.c. (Krupskaya Books, 2002), On Spec (Omnidawn Publishing, 2008), The Hero Project of the Century (The Backwaters Press, 2009), Adventures of Pi (Dos Madres Press, 2011) and Howell (Atelos Books, 2011). He is also the author of several chapbooks, including a prose eulogy, Pink Tie (Hooke Press, 2011). His website is at
Larissa Szporluk was raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan and earned
degrees at the University of Michigan, the University of
California-Berkeley, and the University of Virginia, where she was a
Henry Hoyns fellow. Her books of poetry include Dark Sky Question (1998), which won the Barnard Poetry Prize; Isolato (2000), winner of the Iowa Poetry Prize; The Wind, Master Cherry, the Wind (2003); Embryos and Idiots (2007); and Traffic with Macbeth (2011).
She has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, and
currently teaches at Bowling Green State University.