Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Art Interactions Here and Now, feat. Clarissa Jakobsons 10/11 at CMA

Cleveland Museum of Art
11150 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44106
October 11th, 2014, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

The Ohio Poetry Association's Ekphrasis 3-C series continues this fall on Ohio's north coast. Clarissa Jakobsons will present “Art Interactions Here and Now.”

Participants are invited to enter conversations with displayed artwork and bring them to life via words. We will begin with warm-up exercises, examples, and a variety of ekphrastic approaches. There will be a brief docent tour, as well as alone time to observe and allow specific artwork to inspire our words. To conclude, there will be a read-around to celebrate our new poems.

Clarissa Jakobsons instructs a variety of art and writing classes at Cuyahoga Community College and at the Sage program at Akron University. She weaves art and poetry into artist books, which are internationally exhibited. A series of Camille Claudel artist books have been shown at the Cleveland Museum of Art - Ingalls Library. In another life, she taught art in the schools and initiated integrative art and writing programs for children and adults. Sample publications include Hawaii Pacific Review, Glint Literary Journal, The Poetry Forum, Kattywompus, Ruminate, Qarrtsiluni, Tower Magazine, Van Gogh’s Ear, The Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine, and others.

Upcoming free exhibits at the Cleveland Museum of Art:
  • “The Believable Lie: Heinecken, Hope, and Feldmann”
  • “Surrealist & Dada Photography”
  • “Epic Systems: Three Monumental Paintings” by Jennifer Bartlett
  • “Forbidden Games: Surrealist and Modern Photography”



This event is free and open to the public. Participants will meet in Classroom A.
Workshop is limited to the first 24 registrants. Register by September 30, 2014. Send an email with your name and contact info to Chuck Salmons at charles@ohiopoetryassn.org or call (614) 829-5040.

If using museum parking facilities, participants will have to pay for parking. Directions & Parking: http://www.clevelandart.org/visit/directions-and-parking.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Artist Talks and Ekphrastacy at Heights Arts on September 25th

Join us for an evening with Isabel Farnsworth, associate professor of sculpture at Kent State University, and Hui-Chu Ying, professor of printmaking at University of Akron, who will share insights about their works on view in the gallery, artistic process and vision.

Poets Dianne Borsenik, John Donoghue, Sarah Gridley, Susan Grimm, and Mary Quade will also read new works inspired by select sculptures and works on paper in the exhibition. FREE. 

Heights Arts 
2175 Lee Road
Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
(216) 371-3457

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Free Yo Mind at Guide to Kulchur September 20th

[From the event page on Facebook:]

Guide to Kulchur and Children's Defense Fund / New Abolitionist Association (Ohio) would like to invite you to Free Yo Mind Hip-Hop Cradle2Poetry Slam, the funky-fresh poetry slam contest hosted by Cleveland's youth. Food, drink, $25, $50, and $100 gifts and prizes, plus special guest entertainment.


Slam Rules for Competitors:
1. No Props or Musical Accompaniment (must be a-cappella if you sing).
2. You must perform your own original poetry.
3. All poems must be 3 minutes long or less. (Competitors who go over set time will lose points for every 10 seconds over 3 minutes.)
4. There are three knock out rounds so you must have three poems prepared to compete.

Slammers or poets interested in reading during the open mic intermissions contact Joe: 216-650-1961, Deisha: 216-239-4409, or Philip: 937-238-4843 via phone or text.

Winners receive $25 for 3rd, $50 for 2nd, and $100 for 1st place.

More details, audience participation and slammer rules will be announced day of slam.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Many Thanks Visible Voice Books

Guest post by Steve Thomas
Many of you already know Visible Voice Books is closing. I find it fitting that September is its last month. Today, while customers scramble for last minute deals (40% off). I sat admiring the wood interior of the store and appreciated the gated red bricked court yard. It made a statement beauty could be found anywhere. The store brightened up the street with an appealing grace and charm.
   What better way to spend a Friday or Saturday evening with a friend a glass of wine and live music in the background. Dave Ferrante presented a multi faceted entertainment venue. There was an eclectic book selection along with writing workshops (thank you Claire) combining for a wonderful atmosphere for art lovers of all shapes and sizes.  Dave supported a women’s speaker series titled She Speaks. Regina Brett spoke there as well, presenting 50 Lessons about life. There were poets from Erie to California that performed in the courtyard or in a room upstairs. And can we talk about the wine tastings? This wasn’t a book store but a gathering place for unique thoughtful people.
  It’s a cool quiet Tremont night with church bells counting time. There’s sign on the door closing Sept 27th. I can feel the door swinging shut now as Brownbird sings Americana in the back ground. In the courtyard The Lost State of Franklin is setting up for their performance. It’s a good night for books and music. After all the experiences I’ve had here I’m glad to say thanks Visible Voice for a great deal on memories. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Celebrating the Living Legend: Russell Atkins

Celebrating the Living Legend: Russell Atkins

Contact: Sheba Marcus-Bey
Phone (216) 541-4128
14101 Euclid Avenue
East Cleveland, OH 44112

East Cleveland, OH, October 25, 2014:  Four Friends of Russell Atkins, in collaboration with East Cleveland Public Library, is proud to present a program “Celebrating the Living Legend: Russell Atkins” on Saturday, October 25, 2014 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the Greg L. Reese Performing Arts Center, 14101 Euclid Avenue, East Cleveland, OH 44112.
The event seeks to pay tribute to Cleveland’s long-standing iconoclast, who has been known as an avant-garde poet, dramatist, musical composer, and editor throughout his lengthy and productive career. The program will feature music, tributes, and readings of Atkins’ poetry. The 88-year-old Atkins will be in attendance. Atkins is the subject of a new book, Russell Atkins: On the Life and Work of an American Master (Pleiades Press), edited by Kevin Prufer, a native Clevelander now at the University of Houston, who will speak at the event.
In 1950, Atkins cofounded Free Lance, which is one of the oldest black-owned literary magazine. Through this publication of avant-garde writing, Atkins contributed to the development of New American poetry. During his career, Atkins corresponded with famous twentieth-century poets Langston Hughes and Marianne Moore.
The event is planned by four writers who have been helping Atkins in his recent transition to a nursing home: Yaseen AsSami, Diane Kendig, Robert McDonough, and Shaheed Mutawaf. “It was a difficult time,” said Kendig, “Much of his life’s work was destroyed in the move.” Their friendships with Atkins go back to creative writing workshops in the 1960s and 70s, and they wanted to rally to his support. “We had a birthday party for him in February,” says Kendig, “and writers came out from all over Cleveland and from out of state in a Northeast Ohio blizzard to be there, with cards pouring in front all over the U.S. He is clearly loved and respected.”
When the group contacted the East Cleveland Public Library for the event, Executive Director Sheba Marcus-Bey quickly responded with the invitation for the library to host the event. “We are happy to offer a venue and resources to celebrate such an esteemed, creative force. We are honored to host this event,” says Marcus-Bey.
Following with the program, there will be a reception and sale of the book. The public is welcome to attend. Further information is available through the East Cleveland Public Library, (216) 541-4128 and Diane Kendig, (330) 479-7132 or Mutawaf Shaheed (216) 272-1509.

Russel Atkins, On the Life and Work of an American Master:

Monday, September 1, 2014

Green Panda Press Eros Nature Love Collection Hot Hot

Day 4 

Buy "Day 4" Here

Eros was worshiped by a fertility cult in Thespiae. In Athens, he shared a very popular cult with Aphrodite, and the fourth day of every month was sacred to him. In Day 4 four poets give their unique takes on erotic nature and love poetry. While each voice is different they complement each other. Alexis Fancher, Catfish McDaris, John Swain and Bree are widely published in the very small press. See how Green Panda Press gets them to...come together.

order online at the above link below or direct from Panda (for free shipping) via paypal to greenpandapress@gmail.com (Cover art by Bree) perff bound $10 dollers cheap!

Bree is a Cleveland poet, memoirist and artist. Her Green Panda Press has produced chaps & anthologies, broads & sundry of the small independent press since 2001.

Alexis Rhone Fancher’s poems are in  RATTLE, Carnival, Fjords Review, Deep Water, This Is Poetry: Women of the Small Presses and so forth. She has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes and a Best of the Net award. Her collection of erotica, “How I Lost My Virginity To Michael Cohen & Other Heart Stab Poems,” has just been published by Sybaritic Press (2013).

Catfish McDaris is a New Mexican living near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He has four walls, a ceiling, heat, food, a woman, a daughter, two cats, and a typing machine, which is plenty.

John Swain of Louisville, KY is the author of several collections including Ring the Sycamore Sky (Red Paint Hill 2014), Rain and Gravestones (Crisis Chronicles 2013) and White Vases (Crisis Chronicles 2013). He’s published widely in the small press.


The poet doesn't invent. He listens. ~Jean Cocteau