Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Renegade Flowers: LevyFest 2014


"For the first time since 2006, Cleveland will be host to levyfest, which honors the city’s own alternative publisher and poet d.a. levy, as well as his contemporaries in the Mimeograph Revolution.  This festival will celebrate the history of small press publication and poetry in Cleveland and from around the world. It will include guest panels, readings, community and publishing events, and other programming" [info swiped from the HydeOut Press blog].

Here's the listing of On-Campus events (at Cleveland State University's Michael Schwartz Library) for Saturday, October 25th:

Information on Off-Campus events can be found at http://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/levyfest/2014/community/

1 comment:

Geoffrey A. Landis said...

Coming up this weekend! I'm looking forward to it.


The poet doesn't invent. He listens. ~Jean Cocteau