It's almost here! All the guests have been confirmed, and OH DADDIO, the excitement is reaching a fever pitch!
On Saturday September 19, 2015, Cleveland, OH will celebrate The National Beat Poetry Festival with the event BeatStreet Cleveland at the Barking Spider Tavern, 11310 Juniper Rd, from 3pm to 7pm, featuring poets and live music, with free admission and groovy giveaways.
YOU are invited to join us for this historic Happening!
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS EVENT WILL BE RUNNING ON REAL TIME, NOT POETS' TIME! It will begin promptly at 3 pm and will end at 7 pm...and you won't want to miss a minute of it!
(We are working on securing a place close to the Barking Spider for an afterparty, where we can gather to drink, eat, talk, and groove together. This location will be announced as soon as I know we have it for sure.)
On Saturday September 19, 2015, Cleveland, OH will celebrate The National Beat Poetry Festival with the event BeatStreet Cleveland at the Barking Spider Tavern, 11310 Juniper Rd, from 3pm to 7pm, featuring poets and live music, with free admission and groovy giveaways.
YOU are invited to join us for this historic Happening!
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS EVENT WILL BE RUNNING ON REAL TIME, NOT POETS' TIME! It will begin promptly at 3 pm and will end at 7 pm...and you won't want to miss a minute of it!
(We are working on securing a place close to the Barking Spider for an afterparty, where we can gather to drink, eat, talk, and groove together. This location will be announced as soon as I know we have it for sure.)
BeatStreet's confirmed features:
D.R. Wagner (California)
D.R. Wagner is an author, visual artist, and musician. He founded press : today : niagara in 1965 and Runcible Spoon in the late 60s, producing over fifty magazines and chapbooks. He co-wrote The Egyptian Stroboscope with d.a. levy and read with Jim Morrison of the Doors in a legendary reading with Morrison and Michael McClure. He also has read with Ferlinghetti, Al Winans, Anne Waldman, and many other poets over the past forty years. Wagner's work is much published. He continues to design interior carpeting and tapestry, as well as write, perform, and publish poetry regularly.

Alex Gildzen (New Mexico)
Alex Gildzen is a poet and artist who uses film as the basis of his work. He entered Kent State University in 1961, and while still an undergraduate had poems published in American Weave and Snowy Egret. He met d.a. levy in 1965; levy published him in the Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle. Hugh Fox included Gildzen in his 1973 anthology The Living Underground. Crisis Chronicles Press published his book Ohio Triangle earlier this year to celebrate his 72nd birthday. Find Gildzen at Arroyo Chamisa.
Theresa Göttl Brightman (Ohio)
Theresa Göttl Brightman won first place the first time she competed in a poetry slam. She has won numerous awards, and has been heard throughout Ohio and points beyond, including Chicago's Vegan Mania, and 89.7 WOSU radio. Her work has appeared in print and online publications including Pudding Magazine and Rubbertop Review. Her full length collection of poetry is Stretching the Window (Buffalo ZEF 2007); a new collection is due out in 2016 from Coda Crab Press. You haven't experienced her poetry until you've seen and heard her perform it!
John Burroughs (Ohio)
John Burroughs, writer, editor, musician, and composer, is the author of The Eater of the Absurd and numerous poetry chapbooks; his poem "Lens" was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His poems include "Cannot Believe William S. Burroughs Is Dead" and "Allen Ginsberg Wants You". Since 2008 he has been editor/publisher for Crisis Chronicles Press. Burroughs performs his dynamic poetry across the rust and coal belts. His new book Beat Attitude (from NightBallet Press) will debut at BeatStreet Cleveland.

Joining John Burroughs: musician Étienne Massicotte:
Étienne Massicotte (Montreal)
Étienne Massicotte is a musician newly located to Cleveland, working as a trumpeter, composer, and teacher. He is currently engaged with the Tesla Orchestra of Case Western Reserve University, composing and arranging music for a performance this fall to feature three musicians of the Cleveland Orchestra and a spectacular array of lightning-emitting beacons known as Tesla Coils. Previous engagements include appearances with the Ashland Symphony and four seasons with the Ohio Light Opera Festival Orchestra.

Sean Thomas Dougherty (Pennsylvania)
Sean Thomas Dougherty's books include Nightshift Belonging to Lorca, Except by Falling, Broken Hallelujahs, Sasha Sings the Laundry on the Line, and All You Ask For is Longing. His awards include 2 Pennsylvania Council for the Arts Fellowships in Poetry. Known for his electrifying performances, he has toured extensively across North America and Europe. His 1st featured reading over 25 years ago was at the Jack Kerouac Festival.
Ingrid Swanberg (Wisconsin)
Ingrid Swanberg is the founder/publisher of Ghost Pony Press, and editor-in-chief of Abraxas Magazine. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Garrison Keillor has read her poetry on The Writer's Almanac. She co-authored D.A. Levy & the Mimeograph Revolution, and published a definitive collection of the work of d.a. levy, Zen Concrete & Etc. Her two new poetry collections are Ariadne & Other Poems (Bottom Dog Press, 2013) and Awake (Green Panda Press, 2014).
Larry Smith (Ohio)
Larry Smith is the biographer of Kenneth Patchen and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. He also has done biographical work with Ingrid Swanberg in d.a. levy & the mimeograph revolution (Bottom Dog Press). He has published numerous books of poetry, and wrote and produced two films on Ohio authors James Wright and Kenneth Patchen. Smith lives on the fringe of Cleveland in Huron, Ohio, where he directs Bottom Dog Press publications.

Jim Lang, poet, photographer, artist, in his own words:
"born in th 40's died in th 50's thrived in th 60's loved in th 70's coasted in th 80's predicted in th 90's reprised in th 2K's ~ a poet/photographer he published in newspapers magazines and small press books for 40 years ~ he taught at universities high & grades schools free & controlled ~ he hung at galleries from columbus to toronto ~ & he read & showed off & slept on walls & floors & lawns from sea to shining sea ~ "a @ 5 made fotos @ 16 & pots @ 50 a phopopotographer a little of each shows up"

Steven Smith (Ohio)
Steven Smith--poet, memoirist, photographer, blogger, and collage/assemblage artist--has been writing poetry for nearly five decades. For more than 20 years he published the famed ArtCrimes journal. He created a massive online art/poetry archive at, and a wide array of his poetry and collages have been published in the critically acclaimed Zen Over Zero: Selected Poems 1964-2008 (The City Poetry Press). Smith makes his home in the Tremont neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio.
aaaaand the Peace, Love, & Music of Zach!
Zach Freidhof (Ohio)
Zach, recently named "Humanitarian of the Year" by Akron Magazine, is a yogi, Kingian Nonviolence Trainer, and World Peace Diet Facilitator. He is also a fantastic musician who believes “We should manifest ourselves in exquisiteness every chance we get.” Zach professes this mantra, his life’s philosophy, on his latest release, The Antidote, his 15th release is as many years. With a friend, he created the Akron Peace Project to spread nonviolence in the self, the home, and the community. Coupled with his Love Initiative movement, his music--naturally very hopeful and optimistic--has been able to lend its voice to the power we all have to change ourselves and the world. Learn more at
Mark your calendars for this Very Special Event. Cleveland's heart will BEAT brightly with BeatStreet at the Barking Spider on September 19th!
What about Chansonette Buck? Won't she be a featured reader?
Alynn, Chansonette had to cancel for personal reasons. We were very sorry to lose her from the lineup, but we hope to feature her at next year's event.
What a shame!! I have been communicating w her and so looking forward to meeting her. So sad to hear that!
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