Age: eternal flowerchild, born 02/02/1955, year of the Sheep, sign of Aquarius
Habitat: in my skin, quite comfortably
Range: Borders Books, Visible Voice, Macs Backs , Regal, Cinemark, and Cedar Lee cinemas,
Carrabbas Italian Grill, Pier W, McDonalds, China Renaissance, Bela Dubby Art Gallery and Beer Café, and on the road…again!
Diet: Robert Plant/Led Zeppelin, Devo, Rammstein, Monkees, Frank Sinatra, Glenn Miller, apocalyptic movies, biographies, sunshine, vampires, British television, mojitos, coffee, asparagus, shrimp cocktail, steak, spaghetti, lobster, and yes, poetry- all kinds of poetry
Distinguishing Markings: HardDrive/SoftWear (Crisis Chronicles Press, 2009), The Magnetic Poetry Book of Poetry (Workman Publishing, 1997) , Haiku World: An International Poetry Almanac (Kodansha International, 1996), Voices of Cleveland (CSU Poetry Center, 1996), Ship of Fools , Nerve Cowboy, Naturally Magazine, Slipstream, Frogpond, Modern Haiku, Deep Cleveland Junkmail Oracle, S. A. Griffin's Poetry Bomb project, Jonathan Frid's Genesis of Evil, Cleveland's RTA poetry projects, Crisis Chronicles Online Library and Co-Host of the Lix & Kix reading series.
migraines, asthma, grass and hay fever allergies, procrastination, impatience, distraction
places I’ve never been, sights I’ve never seen, music I’ve never heard, books I’ve never read, food I’ve never tasted, things I’ve never experienced, words I’ve never known, and the deliciously perfect poem
on the roof
the drum of rain
on the bed
the drum of hearts
...raining harder, now
Contact info : http://www.pw.org/content/dianne_borsenik_0, dborsenik@gmail.com