I just received the following announcement:
Sunday, August 1st, Clefnb is planning on celebrating the life of Cleveland poet/activist Daniel Thompson. Daniel was a mentor of Cleveland Foodnotbombs and one who tirelessly worked for issues we find near and dear. This is also an event to focus and look back on Clefnb and our 15 years of community participation. The event will be held in the Public Square NW quadrant adjacent to Daniel's way from 5-7pm.
Music/poetry/puppetry will be on the lawn and food will be served nearby at the corner entrance at West 3rd and Superior where Clefnb has been serving for the past four months. Please Join Us. You can bring a prepared dish if you wish or just give us a hand.
Preparation of the meal will begin at 1pm at the Cleveland Food Coop and we will gladly accept any volunteer help offered. Or Contact Clefnb [at] gmail [dot] com if you need more info about participating.
Public Square NW Quadrant at "Daniel's Way (west 3rd street)
West 3rd and Superior
10:00 Main bread run and produce pick-ups (as normal)
12:00 Cooking starts at the Food Coop. This is a one hour earlier
than our usual start time.
4:30 Bread Run comes into Public Square, food set-up onto tables,
Drummers/musicians arriving. Drum circle forms
5:00 Simple ceremony to honor the bread in Daniel's name, simple
address regarding Daniel and his Public Sq. endeavors. Reading
of Daniel's poetry.
5:30 Clefnb serves... communal meal begins, if you have food you
wish to share with everyone please do bring it. (this can be
either potluck dish or produce/bulk food that we will help to
6:00 Organized Poetry and other music
6:30 Puppet show w/Michael Bradley
7:30 clean-up
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