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This weeks submission comes from a Clevelandpoetics - The Blog reader.
between classes
do they ponder the nature of the question “if A squared + B squared = C squared, then what is the relationship of x to y?”
bookbags burdened with filtered knowledge slung from shoulders too tired to care, lag in the daze of confusion
do they worry about the upcoming midterm in Geography of the United States? What is the relationship between Massachusetts and Rhode Island?
soles walk for miles in circles rimmed by buildings constructed of the eternity of truths unwhispered
do they contemplate the image of pine trees and work through lines of poetry in their minds as they mis-confidently stride to the lecture on the relationship of America to politics?
Very good ideas makes you stop and think about all the confusion and the way mostjump from one thought to the next and then back to reality......
just a touch of reality. Aren't we all "between classes" most of the time going somewhere with our thoughts elsewhere...I liked it
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