in the development stage for awhile, The Cleveland Poetry Archive is at a point where everyone can look at it, see what it is, and help us get it to where it needs to be. The Cleveland Poetry Archive is an educational and historical web site. This project was initiated and is coordinated by Nina Freedlander Gibans, with help from me, Dr, Larry Smith (and the Cleveland Poetry Scenes book), Kathy Smith, Marcus Bales and others, in cooperation with Shaker Heights Public Schools, John Hay High School, The Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland State University, SUNY Buffalo, and other people and institutions. It is first and foremost a teaching tool unlike anything you've ever seen.
No other city has a site like this to celebrate its poetic heritage and encourage the study of it. If you don't see your name listed among the poet profiles, eventually you will. This is a part of the site that will develop over time -- with your help. If you don't see your books listed in the comprehensive list, you will, if you help us out by sending us your information. Take some time to look it over. High School students all over the city are already using it, and in the process, learning early and often, that Cleveland has a distinct poetic heritage to be proud of. Your comments are appreciated.
I've been a fan of the site for some time - have a link to the Cleveland Poetry Archive on my blog. It has a great selection of poets, but I've always kinda wished it had more - so I'm thrilled to know that such an expansion is part of the plan. If there's ever anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask.
Poet returning to Cleveland, looking for some open mic's ... any help?
Does Cleveland have a PSI group? I recently returned to Cleveland and am looking to join one!
Is there an archive of the manuscripts and correspondence of d.a. levy?
d.a. levy collection at Cleveland Memory Project
There's also a d.a. levy home page at thing.net
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