At the risk of permanently sullying my somewhat spurious reputation as web-savvy by sailing into cyberwaters I have no experience navigating, I need to ask: does anyone know where I can find a copy of Google Calendar for Dummies? I'm trying, but I just can't figure out the damned application. First, I wanted to make a couple of corrections in the calendar widget in the left sidebar of this blog (e.g. Lix and Kix is now on Wednesdays, not Tuesdays, and the Deep Cleveland Poetry Hour begins at 8:30, not 9:30). I also wanted to add a bunch of new events to the widget - to make it a comprehensive listing of all Cleveland area poetry happenings. But when I log into my Google account and add events, they only show up on my "personal" calendar, not here, though I'm (obviously) an authorized author on this blog. How do I get them to show up here? I should probably ask our beloved blog moderator - but I don't want to bug him while he's out of town (if I were in Shanghai, I wouldn't want you bugging me, either, especially with blog minutiae). I'm also thinking that, since no one else has added events to the widget lately, I'm not alone in finding the workings of this Google Calendar thingie incomprehensible. Here's hoping one of our cybersavvy readers will offer advice enabling all of us to make the best use of this calendar widget and turn it into the comprehensive Cleveland poetry event resource many of us crave.
Meanwhile, don't forget to check out:
The Deep Cleveland Poetry Hour (featuring Twin Cranes Press) on Friday, March 12th (8:30 p.m.) at Borders Books, 17200 Royalton Rd. in Strongsville, Ohio.
2nd Saturday open mic poetry at the Brandt Gallery (1028 Kenilworth in Tremont) on March 13th from 3 to 5 p.m.
Lix and Kix St. Patrick's Day poetry party featuring Sammy Greenspan, Zach Ashley and Trenchcoat Manifesto on Wednesday, March 17th (7 p.m.) at Bela Dubby, 13321 Madison Ave. in Lakewood.
Peace and poetry,
I tried it and had the same problem, John! So if you find out how to make it work, let me know.
Further into the future, don't forget to list your Lix and Kix presents: April 15, National Poetry Month reading at Barnes and Noble bookstore, Crocker Park in Westlake, OH, 7-9:30 pm (which I see is now listed on the Barnes and Noble store events page)
Thanks, Geoff! I didn't realize it was online at B&N yet. I'm very much looking forward to it. I believe this'll be the first open mic in the history of Crocker Park (which has been there for about 5 years and features two fairly large bookstores). And I relish sharing the bill with you, T.M. and Dianne!
Yup. While I might not be a CP blogger, I do see instructions posted on the calendar telling me to click the + sign to add events. I have tried several times to add Saturday Night With The Poet's Haven events (ahem, 7:00 March 20 at Angel Falls in Akron featuring Laraine Seidl and T.M. Göttl with musician Zach) and the First Friday Poetry Slam events I'm now managing in Canton (ahem, 7:00 April 2 at 2nd April Art Gallerie, feature TBA) with no luck.
(Hey, wait... April 2nd at 2nd April, how very poetic! :-)
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