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If you would like your piece thrown to the wolves send it to salinger@ameritech.net with "Workshop the hell out of this poem" as the subject line.
This weeks piece comes from an established poet who will be named next week:
Herb Garden
"And these, small, unobserved . . . " —Janet Lewis
The lizard, an exemplar of the small,
Spreads fine, adhesive digits to perform
Vertical push-ups on a sunny wall;
Bees grapple spikes of lavender, or swarm
The dill’s gold umbels and low clumps of thyme.
Bored with its trellis, a resourceful rose
Has found a nearby cedar tree to climb
And to festoon with floral furbelows.
Though the great, heat-stunned sunflower looks half-dead
The way it, shepherd’s crook-like, hangs its head,
The herbs maintain their modest self-command:
Their fragrances and colors warmly mix
While, quarrying between the pathway’s bricks,
Ants build minute volcanoes out of sand.
this is a great example of why i love rhyming poetry. it is beautifulll scenery! thanks!
However well-crafted this poem might be (and it is), it bores me. I've read it over 4 or 5 times, each time hoping that I'd find something in the poem that would stir some feeling or thought in me, but it just doesn't do it for me.
for me what stirs are the sound and syllable--writ with a precision much like the subjects in the poem are precise. mundane, and beuatiful in its thrift and aim.
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