Tuesday 19 May during Lix and Kix 8 at Visible Voice Books, Dianne Borsenik and I were privileged to host two of Cleveland's finest poets, photographers and artists - Steven B. Smith and Kathy Ireland Smith - giving their first featured reading since returning home to Ohio from several years of living abroad. As you may know, Steve (known simply as Smith) published the legendary ArtCrimes journal for many years and created what at least one authority has called the largest art and poetry site on the internet at http://www.agentofchaos.com/. Kathy is the founder and editor of what has to be one of the country's best art and poetry zines, The City Poetry. Together they have written a fascinating memoir of Smith's life entitled Criminal (for which they're seeking a publisher). Their mutual blog (http://www.walkingthinice.com/) is one of my favorites. And Smith's poetry and collage collection Zen Over Zero is as much a must-have as any book can be. Here are a couple of clips from Tuesday's reading:
Thanks to the Smiths and everyone else who made Lix and Kix 8 a night to remember. Still photos from the event will be coming soon to my Facebook page.
Peace and poetry,
Thanks to the Smiths and everyone else who made Lix and Kix 8 a night to remember. Still photos from the event will be coming soon to my Facebook page.
Peace and poetry,
Wow !! Video and everything... awesome!
Ya.. it is nice to have then back in the community and back contributing their unique point of view.
Thanks for the blog.. John.
Thanks for grabbing my camera and snapping this photo of Dianne and me with the Smiths! And thanks for driving all the way from Detroit to be there, Chris! It's always good to see you - and I'm glad you read your poem about d.a.levy at the open mic.
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