Monday, August 11, 2008

Supersale on The Shantytown Anomaly...

The Shantytown Anomaly is a 20 page chapbook journal featuring Sci-fi/Fantasy/Horror poetry, scifaiku, articles and the occasional short-short story. In celebration of their new website, they are having a huge sale. Each issue is normally $3-4, but right now you can buy five issues for $5!!! This is a huge deal, and an opportunity to get a lot of great poetry for a really low price, including issues featuring Dwarf Star nominated poetry, and a Rhysling Award winning poem.

Currently, the issue I have is number three. This is a GREAT issue of speculative poetry. There are some very dark horror poems, some well crafted formal poems, including three pieces by Rich Rostow that are combinations between villanelles and triolets. There are also two pages of scifaiku--short poems that resemble haiku, but use science and scifi words instead of kigo. There is also a short prose piece from Lee Clark Zumpe.

My favorite piece in this issue has to be "Future Macho," by Marcie Lynn Tentchoff. This is a great poem about men becoming obscolete, and what happens when they (we?) do. Just the opening stanza causes a wry smile to cross the reader's face:

He keeps it on his bathroom shelf,
bottled, stored away in brine,
some obscenely sculpted pickle,
and shows it off at parties, grinning,
winking vulgarly at all of us who've
seen it far too many times before.

I strongly recommend readers and fans of poetry visit The Shantytown Anomaly's new homepage, and take advantage of this incredible deal.

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The poet doesn't invent. He listens. ~Jean Cocteau