Friday, July 31, 2015

INKubator tomorrow!

Building community one draft at a time.
Dear friends,

This is just a final reminder about the Cleveland Inkubator taking place tomorrow, 8/1 at the Cleveland Public Library. If you haven't had a chance to register yet, then you may do so here. Some of the offerings of the event include:

- Inspiring workshops and craft talks with celebrated local writers
- Writers UnBlock room with coffee and snacks
- All-day resource fair with independent booksellers
- Keynote reading with authors David Giffels and Thrity Umrigar
- FREE ice cream from Mitchell's and food from Susy's Soup and Deli food truck
- Youth performance with writers from Lake Erie Ink and Cleveland School of the Arts
- Open mic hosted by Michael Salinger + Damian Ware + YOU!

Please remember, most workshops are now full, but there's still space in the craft talks. If you don't get a chance to register today, then you can always register onsite. And finally, if you're unable to attend the workshops, then feel free to join the party at 5 pm to check out the readings (in the Stokes Wing auditorium) and open mic (in the Eastman Reading Garden, weather permitting).

We look forward to INKubating with you!


Cleveland Inkubator team
Copyright © 2015 Lee Chilcote, Writer, All rights reserved.
Updates and announcements about the Cleveland Inkubator

Our mailing address is:
Lee Chilcote, Writer
7212 West Clinton Ave.
Cleveland, Oh 44105

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Does poetry matter--one more time

Wow, you would have thought that there was no more to say on the subject of "is poetry dead"?
But, here's CNN, "Does poetry still matter?," in which Brandon Griggs discusses the new poet laureate Juan Felipe Herrera:
Most Americans don't encounter poetry in the course of their daily lives. Most mainstream magazines don't publish it. Chain stores such as Walmart and Target don't carry it. The cult of people who buy books of poetry in the U.S. is almost certainly dwarfed by the 20 million or so viewers who watch a single episode of "Game of Thrones."
Poetry, said poet and associate professor Kyle Dargan of American University in Washington, is "not the kind of thing people are going to run into on their own. It's not 'Jurassic World.' " It's this cultural landscape that greets Juan Felipe Herrera, who this month was appointed the next poet laureate of the United States. As poet laureate, Herrera will be expected to serve as an ambassador for the art form and help boost its visibility through readings, workshops and other events.


The poet doesn't invent. He listens. ~Jean Cocteau