Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Another Season of The City

With the turn of the weather toward coolness, and the approach of the holiday season like a freight train loaded with turkey and tinsel, it's another season of The City poetry, Kathy Smith's electronic zine of poetry and art:
"Bloom", by JJ Stick

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Mark Kuhar celebrates d.a. levy

Collage by d.a levy. "Agent from Vega H.S." , collage by d.a. levy 1967, Cleveland, Ohio" handwiitten by levy verso. The collage was used in levy's underground newspaper The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle.
On the 50th anniversary of d.a. levy's death, Mark Kuhar celebrates the man and his legend:

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Dave Lucas: Poetry for People who hate Poetry

The new Poet Laureate of Ohio, Dave Lucas, has been appearing one week every month in Scene Magazine, with "Poetry for People Who Hate Poetry."
You can find it here:
Or, read it at the Ohio Arts Council site: 1 2 3.

--He'll be reading in Arkon on November 21 at Latitudes Poetry Night (which happens the third Wednesday of each month, Compass Coffee, 647 East Market Street, Akron).


The poet doesn't invent. He listens. ~Jean Cocteau