We need new blood! The clevelandpoetics blog-- yeah, this here blog, the one you're reading right now this very second-- is looking for some new contributors. It's been three years since we last added any fresh names to the blog team, and, well, ya know, so maybe we're getting a little stale. I've seeing a lot of new faces in the Cleveland poetry community, and it's time we opened up the blog to some new voices to see what you have to say.
You got opinions about the Cleveland poetry scene, about poetry, about writing, about our rust-enshrouded, poem-encrusted city? Or, maybe you hate what you see here, and tell all your friends "I could write better 'n that, why don't they let me in?" You think you might wanna join the quixotic collective of lovable misfits that we call "the clevelandpoetics staff infection"? Well, we want you! Yes, you! Now's your chance! Let's see what you got!
If you'd like to join the blogging team here at clevelandpoetics, we're open: leave a note in the comments, or drop me an email at clevelandpoetics@ironangels.net and say so!
No rules, no hours, no salesman will call, no pay. Join the team!
If you let me I would LOVE to. I am from Cleveland. But I have been living in Thailand since October. (Because I couldn't afford to live in Cleveland).
Ryn Cricket
You've got my vote, Ryn.
Sure; if you think you have something to say, who am I to say you don't? Send me an e-mail (clevelandpoetics@ironangels.net) with your e-mail address.
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