Help Wanted!

You wanna be a blogger?
We need you! Yes, you!
You could be famous in the neighborhood!
The clevelandpoetics blog needs new contributors. This blog is not a one-person show, it's a collaborative effort of a raft of volunteers, and we're short on help. We rely on you-- the poetic community of Cleveland-- to contribute. Every year I see new voices beginning to speak in the Cleveland poetry community, and we need to hear what you have to say. Join us!
You got something to say? We're waiting to hear it! You go to poetry readings, want to make comments on the local poetry scene, want to share your opinions on contemporary poetry? Join us! You think that the blog sucks rocks, and think you could do better? We'd like to see you try!
We want you! We need you! We can't live without you!
Tell us about the Cleveland poetry scene, about your muse, about trying to write in a cold-blooded city, about asphalt and poetry; tell us about our sports-obsessed, poetry-infested, hot-blooded city,
Do I need to say it again? Well, we want you! Yes, you! You know who you are.
Do I need to say it again? Well, we want you! Yes, you! You know who you are.
If you'd like to join the blogging team here at clevelandpoetics, we're
open: leave a note in the comments, or drop me an email and say so!
No pay, just glory, and the chance to express yourself. Join the team!
New to the state and more specifically the Cleveland area. Would be happy to help with blogging however I don't know a thing about the Cleveland scene. I'd like to know what's around so I can get back out there and build a network. If you need a blogger from where I am coming from I would be happy to help.
I'm in. I will email you privately.
Oops. Looks like that e-mail address is dead. Sorry! Use this one:
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